Our Artisan Lady Jill


As budding a Artist, Lady Jill first started drawing and painting as a young girl.

Encouraged and guided by her Aunt, who nurtured a deep respect and untarnished love for designing and creating in many mediums.

As an accomplished artist Lady Jill was featured on the front page of the Transylvania Times Brevard North Carolina for designing and painting a store front window at the age of 30.

Lady Jill designed and created her first flogger in 2003. Bringing the dream to life through trials and tribulation and endless hours of creating and sculpting floggers, novelties, props and furniture Decadent Transitions was born in 2007.

Lady Jill is an exceptional designer of hand crafted products with a remarkable skill and eye for the extraordinary. Among her vast talents are leather working, all aspects of wood working, bondage design and fashions, needle work, working with gem stones, creating and designing unique jewelry, and a complete line of fantasy products.